Regional Partnerships. Local Impact.
The 2022-23 academic year was a year of positive growth for the Bluff Country Collaborative (BCC). Coordinating with member school districts and with funding and support from 192 area businesses and industry professionals, our Youth Workforce Navigator worked to facilitate career exploration and skills development opportunities for more than 1,550 area junior high and high school students during the 2022-23 academic year.

We invite you to read our 2023-2024 BCC Annual Report and learn about our work and its positive impact on our area schools, businesses, and communities. Some 2023-24 Bluff Country Collaborative highlights include:
Presenting at the Minnesota Association of Workforce Boards (MAWB) annual meeting in Duluth, MN as part of a panel discussion around successful Workforce Development and Education partnership initiatives throughout MN.
Selection as one of fewer than 80 second-round finalists in the national Career Z Challenge competition, a cohort-based cooperative challenge, to apply for funding to expand work-based learning opportunities in school districts nationwide.
Interest and inquiry from several area School Districts in joining the BCC to help maximize the CTE and career-connected learning opportunities for their students and communities.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Exploration event held outdoors during the Fall Semester where regional employers bring equipment, facilitate fun activities, and allow students to explore, engage, and experience CTE Careers in our communities.
Increased interest an attendance for Building and Construction Trades Panel Discussion (spring semester), where students not planning to attend college can meet, learn about, and ask questione of local trade and Union Representatives.
Career Fair and Hiring Event for employers, students, and current job seekers held during the spring semester, where employers can meet and engage with our future workforce and line up interviews.
Employer/Business Tours that allow students to tour local business and see and experience firsthand the everyday internal operations of that industry.
Mock Interviews for juniors and seniors, hosted by area industry adn business professionals.
In-Class Speakers that connected industry professionals in various career fields with students.